
Moore, M.P., N. Leith, K. Fowler-Finn, and K.A. Medley. 2024. Human-modified habitats imperil ornamented dragonflies less than their non-ornamented counterparts at local, regional, and continental scales. Ecology Letters.

Cosme. L.V., et al. 2024. A genotypic array for the globally invasive vector mosquito, Aedes albopictus. Parasites & Vectors.

Orlinick, B.*, A. Smith, K.A. Medley, and K.W. Westby. Genetically based variation in heat tolerance covaries with climate in a globally important disease vector. 2024. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

Beckermann, A.J.*, K.A. Medley, S.A. Adalsteinsson, and K.M. Westby. 2023. The final countdown: presence of an invasive mosquito extends time to predation for a native mosquiot. Biological Invasions.

Gloria-Soria, A., T. Shragai, A.T. Ciota, T.B. Duvall, B.W. Alto, A.J. Martins, K.M. Westby, K.A. Medley, I. Unlu, S.R. Campbell, M. Kawalkowski, Y. Tsuda, Y. Higa, N. Indelicato, P.T. Leisnham, A. Caccone, P.M. Armstrong. 2022. Population genetics of an invasive mosquito vector, Aedes albopictus in the Northeastern USA. NeoBiota 78:99-127

Westby, K.M., K.A. Medley, A.J. Beckermann, A.C. White*, and K.S. Costanzo. 2022. The role of priority effects in limiting the success of the invasive tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. Biological Invasions

Westby, K.M., S.A. Adalsteinsson, E.G. Biro, A.J. Beckermann, and K.A. Medley. 2021. Aedes albopictus populations and larval habitat characteristics across the landscape: significant differences exist between urban and rural land use types. Insects

Moore, M.P., K. Hersch, C. Sricharoen, S. Lee, C. Reice, P. Rice, S. Kronick, K. A. Medley, and K. D. Fowler-Finn. 2021. Sex-specific ornament evolution is a consistent feature of climatic adaptation across space and time in dragonflies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Westby, K.M., S.A. Juliano, and K.A. Medley. 2021. Aedes albopictus has not become the dominant species in artificial container habitats in a temperate forest more than a decade after establishment. Journal of Medical Entomology. 58:950-955.

Westby, K.M. and K.A. Medley. 2020. Cold nights, city lights: artificial light at night reduces photoperiodically induced diapause in urban and rural populations of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Medical Entomology

Medley, K.A., K.M. Westby, and D.G. Jenkins. 2019. Rapid local adaptation to northern winters in the invasive Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus: a moving target. Journal of Applied Ecology 56:2518-2527.

Westby, K.M., B. M. Sweetman*, S. A. Adalsteinsson, E. G. Biro, & K.A. Medley. 2019. Host food quality and quantity deferentially affect Ascogregarina barretti parasite burden, development, and within-host competition in the mosquito Aedes triseriatus. Parasitology 146:1665-1672.

Westby, K.M. and K.A. Medley. 2019. Invasive species reduces parasite prevalence and ameliorates negative environmental effects on parasitism in a native mosquito. Journal of Animal Ecology 88:1215-1225.

Costanzo, K., K.M. Westby, and K.A. Medley. 2018. Genetic and environmental influences on the size-fecundity relationship in Aedes albopictus: Impacts on population growth estimates? PLOS One https:/

VanHorn, T.*, S.A. Adalsteinsson, K. Westby, E. Biro, J. Myers, M. Spasojevic, M. Walton, and K.A. Medley. 2018. Landscape physiognomy predicts abundance of the Lone Star tick, Amblyomma americanum Linneaus, in Ozark Forests. Journal of Medical Entomology 55:982-988.

Medley, K.A., E.H. Boughton, D.G. Jenkins, J.E. Fauth, P.J. Bohlen, and P.F. Quintana-Ascencio. 2015. Intense ranchland management tips the balance of regional and local factors affecting wetland community structure. Agriculture, Ecosystems, & the Environment 212:204-244.

Medley, K.A., Jenkins, D.G. and E.A. Hoffman, E.A. 2014. Human-aided and natural dispersal drive gene flow across the range of an invasive mosquito. Molecular Ecology 24:284-295.

Reeves, M., Medley, K.A., Pinkney, F., Holyoak, M., Johnson, P.T.J., and M. Lannoo. 2013. Local hotspots drive continental geography of amphibian abnormalities. PLOS One 8:e77467.

Nuñez, M.A., and K.A. Medley. 2011. Pine invasion: climate predicts its success, something else predicts its failure. Diversity and Distributions 14(4):701-713.

May, S.E., Medley, K.A., Johnson, S.A., and E.A. Hoffman. 2011. Combining genetic structure and ecological niche modeling to establish units of conservation: A case study of an imperiled salamander. Biological Conservation 144:1441-1450.

Chick, J.H., Levchuk, A.P., Medley, K.A., and J.E. Havel. 2010. Underestimation of rotifer abundance a much greater problem than previously appreciated. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 8:79-87.

Medley, K. A. 2010. Niche shifts during the global invasion of the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse), revealed by reciprocal distribution models. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19:122-133.

Havel, J.E., Medley, K.A., Dickerson, K.R., Angradi, T.R., Bolgrien, D.W., Bukaveckas, P.A., and T.M. Jicha. 2009. Effect of main-stem dams on zooplankton communities in the Missouri River (USA). Hydrobiologia 628:121-135.

Dickerson, K.D., Medley, K.A., and J.E. Havel. 2009. Spatial variation in zooplankton community structure is related to hydrologic flow units in the Missouri River, USA. River Research and Applications 25:1-14.

Medley, K.A. and J.E. Havel. 2007. Hydrology and local environmental factors influencing zooplankton communities in floodplain ponds. Wetlands 27:864-872.

Havel, J.E. and K.A. Medley. 2006. Biological invasions across spatial scales: local, regional, and intercontinental dispersal by the exotic cladoceran, Daphnia lumholtzi Sars. Biological Invasions 8:459-473.

Mathis, A., Schmidt, D.W., and K.A. Medley. 2000. The influence of residency status on agonistic behavior of male and female Ozark zigzag salamander Plethodon angusticlavius. American Midland Naturalist 143:245-249.

Book content:

Medley, K.A. 2012. An Introduction to Multivariate Analysis, in Havel, J.E. and R.E. Hampton, Introductory Biological Statistics, 3rd ed., Waveland Press, Illinois, USA.

Jenkins, D.G., K.A. Medley, and R.B. Franklin. 2011. Microcrobes as a test of biogeographic principles. Pages 309-323 in D. Fontaneto, ed. Biogeography of Microscopic Organisms: Is Everything Small Everywhere? Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.


*Tyson undergraduate fellow